Understanding Uterine Prolapse: Causes, Side Effects, and Treatment Choices

Understanding Uterine Prolapse: Causes, Side Effects, and Treatment Choices

Understanding Uterine Prolapse: Causes, Side Effects, and Treatment Choices

Uterine prolapse is an issue that influences the pelvic floor muscles and ligaments that help the uterus. These muscles might get extended and frail and can prompt the uterus descending or, regardless, standing out of the vagina. This condition is especially normal in ladies who have gone through menopause and have had at least one vaginal delivery.

Reasons for Uterine Prolapse

The main cause of uterine prolapse is the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles and tendons. A few reasons can add to this debilitating:

  1. Childbirth: One of the most generally perceived causes is the strain placed on the pelvic floor during labor. The more vaginal conveyances a woman has, higher the possibility of having prolapse she has in future.
  2. Maturing and Menopause: The release of hormone called “estrogen” decreases when women get menopause. That hormone helps keep the pelvic muscles strong. The decrease in estrogen levels prompts weakening of these muscles.
  3. Heavy Lifting and Stressing: Routinely lifting weighty items or stressing during bowel can put pressure on the pelvic floor, adding to its debilitating after some time.
  4. Obesity: Having excess weight can strain the pelvic floor, making prolapse almost certain.
  5. Chronic Coughing: Conditions that cause constant coughing, like smoking or persistent lung infections, can likewise expand the risk of prolapse because of the continuous burden on the pelvic floor muscles.

What if I don’t go for Uterine Prolapse Treatment?

This condition can influence different organs in the pelvic segment of your body. It relies on how serious the prolapse is. In gentle situations where your satisfaction isn’t impacted, your primary care physician probably won’t suggest any treatment for uterine prolapse.

Side Effects of Uterine Prolapse

Numerous ladies with mild uterine prolapse may not encounter any side effects. In any case, as the prolapse turns out to be more extreme, it can cause a scope of awkward and, once in a while, difficult side effects:

• A Sensation of Heaviness in the Pelvis: Numerous ladies depict having a feeling of weight or strain in the pelvic region, as though something is pulling down.
• Tissue Protruding from the Vagina: In additional serious cases, ladies might see tissue swelling out of the vaginal opening, which can be disturbing and awkward.
• Urinary Issues: Prolapse can prompt issues with pee, for example, trouble purging the bladder totally or encountering urinary incontinence (spilling pee).
• Gut Issues: A few ladies might experience difficulty with bowel movement, feeling like they need to push on the vagina to assist with passing stool.
• Distress during Sex: Sexual movement can become awkward or even difficult, and a few ladies feel like the vaginal tissue is free.
• Low Back Agony: The tension and strain from prolapse can likewise cause uneasiness in the lower back.

When should I Look for Clinical Assistance?

If the side effects of uterine prolapse are causing distress or interrupting routine activities, looking for medical advice is important. A medical services supplier can evaluate the seriousness of the prolapse and examine the best uterine prolapse treatment choices for you.

How is Uterine Prolapse diagnosed?

With a pelvic test, your clinician will check whether your uterus has dropped from its usual spot. A pelvic test is a normal test where your clinician puts a speculum-an instrument that permits them to glimpse inside your vagina-and looks inside your vagina and uterus outwardly. After the assessment, your clinician will tell you appropriately if you have been determined not to have uterine prolapse treatment choices.

Uterine Prolapse Treatment

Here are some treatment choices that depend upon the seriousness of the condition and the lady’s overall health and lifestyle:

1. Lifestyle Changes and Activities: For mild prolapse, way of life changes like weight reduction, abstaining from difficult work, and overseeing ongoing coughing can assist with lessening side effects. Pelvic floor works out, known as Kegel works out, can likewise reinforce the pelvic muscles and further develop support for the uterus.
2. Pessaries: A pessary is a device that is inserted inside the vagina to support the uterus and other pelvic organs. It comes in different shapes and sizes and can be a good choice for ladies who need to stay away from a medical procedure.
3. Minimally Obtrusive Medical procedure: In cases where the prolapse is more serious and side effects are affecting the life of the woman, medical procedure might be vital. Insignificantly intrusive gynecologic medical procedures offer a few benefits over customary medical procedures. 4. Vaginal Hysterectomy: Some might be recommended removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) because of the seriousness of the condition. This should be possible through a negligibly obtrusive methodology, diminishing recuperation time.
5. Pelvic Floor Reconstruction: In additional complicated cases, a blend of careful methods might be utilized to re-form the pelvic floor and re-establish backing to the prolapsed organs.

What is the advantage of opting for negligibly obtrusive medical procedure for uterine prolapse treatment?

Minimally obtrusive medical procedure for uterine prolapse treatment offers a few advantages that includes:

• Smaller Cuts and Less Scarring
• Less Torment
• Speedier Recuperation
• Lower Chance of Confusion

Even after Uterine Prolapse Treatment, Can uterine prolapse recur?

Most treatments for uterine prolapse are successful. However, a prolapse can recur sometimes. This is more likely if you- Have a very severe prolapse, Have obesity or if, Are younger than 60.


Uterine prolapse is a common condition that influences numerous ladies. While the side effects can be awkward and now and again troubling, there are viable uterine prolapse treatment choices accessible, going from way of life changes and activities to advanced insignificantly obtrusive medical procedures. On the off chance that you are encountering side effects of uterine prolapse, it is critical to talk with a medical care supplier to examine the best option for your requirements.

Restoring Pelvic Health with Uterine Prolapse Treatment

Restoring Pelvic Health with Uterine Prolapse Treatment

Uterine Prolapse Treatment also known as endometrial polyps, are growths in the Uterine cavith arising from the lining of the uterus ( endometrium) 

They can vary in size, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters.

Uterine polyps are typically benign, though in rare cases, they can be precancerous or cancerous. 

Common symptoms include irregular menstrual bleeding, heavy periods, bleeding between periods, or postmenopausal bleeding. Some women may also experience infertility or recurrent miscarriages due to the presence of polyps. 

Risk factors for developing uterine polyps include age, particularly in women between 40 and 50, obesity, hypertension, and a history of hormone replacement therapy or tamoxifen use. Diagnosis is often achieved through ultrasound or Hysteroscopy. 

Uterine prolapse treatment options include watchful waiting (if no symptoms) or surgical removal through hysteroscope depending on symptom severity and polyp characteristics.

This treatment offers viable relief from distress and pelvic strain. Surgical choices assist with re-establishing normal capability and work on personal satisfaction. By tending to the main cause, uterine prolapse treatment decreases side effects and prevents future complications, making it a fantastic decision for ladies looking for long-haul pelvic well-being.

Hysteroscopy and Polyp Removal for Improved Health

Hysteroscopy and Polyp Removal for Improved Health

Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the uterus and, in some cases, the cervix, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. It is usually done in women over 40 years and who have finished childbearing unless for cancer it is done even in younger women who haven’t borne children.

Hysteroscopy and polyp removal is a common treatment for various gynecological conditions such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, and certain cancers.

There are different types of hysterectomy: total (removal of the uterus and cervix), subtotal or partial (removal of the uterus while leaving the cervix intact), and radical (removal of the uterus, cervix, parts of the vagina, and surrounding tissues, usually for cancer).

The hysteroscopy and polyp removal procedure can be performed through various surgical approaches, including abdominal, vaginal, or laparoscopic techniques.

The recent addition is the innovative vNOTES or scarless surgery.

The choice of method depends on the patient’s medical condition, the pathology for which it is being done, and the surgeon’s expertise.

Recovery time varies, with minimally invasive methods typically offering quicker recovery and less postoperative pain as compared to conventional open surgery.

A hysteroscopy and polyp removal can significantly improve the quality of life for women with debilitating symptoms, though it also results in the loss of fertility.

Eliminate Fibroids with Endometriosis Excision Surgery

Eliminate Fibroids with Endometriosis Excision Surgery

Fibroids also known as uterine leiomyoma, are non-cancerous growths that develop in or around the uterus. They are composed of muscle and fibrous tissue and can vary greatly in size, from microscopic to as large as a melon. While the exact cause of fibroids is not well understood, factors such as genetics, hormones, and lifestyle may play a role. The majority of the time fibroids don’t cause any symptoms but when they are multiple and large in size can cause symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, prolonged periods, pelvic pain and pressure, frequent urination, infertility, and complications during pregnancy.
The symptoms depend on their number, size, and location.
Based on their location they are classified as submucous, serosal, or intra-mural.

Treatment options range from monitoring with no treatment or medical management to control symptoms or dissolving them with non-invasive techniques such as  MRI-guided focused ultrasound, Uterine artery embolisation, or surgical interventions such as endometriosis excision surgery.

The choice of treatment depends on factors like the severity of symptoms, the size and location of the fibroids, and the patient’s reproductive plans. However, opting for the surgery is a better option. Endometriosis excision surgery is a successful therapy for those experiencing constant pain and fertility issues brought about by endometriosis. By exactly eliminating endometrial tissue, this surgery offers long-haul relief, works on personal satisfaction, and better reproductive results. It is a strongly suggested choice for overseeing endometriosis side effects.

Laparoscopy in gynecology

Get Minimally Invasive Solutions Laparoscopy in Gynecology

Laparoscopy in gynecology is a minimally invasive surgical technique that uses a telescopic camera to visualize the internal organs in the pelvis and abdomen. 
It helps surgeons to perform keyhole surgery with small 0.5 to 1cm skin incisions to diagnose and treat various gynecological conditions such as infertility, fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic pain, ovarian cysts, and many more including cancer. 

All surgeries which were previously performed as an open procedure with big skin incisions are now performed laparoscopically. Some of the commonly performed surgeries in gynecology through a laparoscope are Laparoscopic myomectomy (removal of fibroid), ovarian cystectomy, hysterectomy (removal of the uterus), salpingectomy (removal of the fallopian tube),  excision of endometriosis, treatment of ectopic pregnancy, etc. 

The advantages of Laparoscopy in gynecology include reduced postoperative pain, shorter hospital stays, faster recovery times, and minimal scarring compared to traditional open surgery.
Additionally, this method lowers the risk of complications and infections, enhancing patient safety and comfort.

As medical technology advances, Laparoscopy in gynecology continues to evolve, providing women with more effective and less invasive surgical options.

Myomectomy ( removal of fibroids or myoma)

Effective Removal of Fibroids Myomectomy

Myomectomy ( removal of fibroids or myoma) is a surgical procedure for removing uterine fibroids while preserving the uterus. It is often chosen by women who wish to retain their fertility or uterus.
A myomectomy can be performed
1. Through a conventional abdominal cut either (open procedure)
2.  laparoscopically as a keyhole surgery
3. hysteroscopic surgery if the myoma (fibroid) is entirely inside the Uterine cavity (submucous)
4. VNOTES (scarless surgery)  which uses a telescope through the vagina.

The approach is decided based on the size, number, and location of the fibroids.

Abdominal myomectomy involves a larger incision in the abdomen, whereas laparoscopic and hysteroscopic myomectomies are minimally invasive, utilizing small incisions and specialized instruments.

Myomectomy ( removal of fibroids or myoma) surgery can alleviate symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, pelvic pain, and pressure on the bladder or bowel. Recovery times vary based on the surgical approach, with minimally invasive techniques generally offering faster recovery and less postoperative pain.

Myomectomy provides symptomatic relief and improves the quality of life for many women while preserving their reproductive potential.

Best Gynaecologist in Dubai | Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran – 2024

Best Gynaecologist in Dubai | Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran – 2024

When it comes to prioritizing your health, especially women’s well-being, finding the best gynaecologist is paramount. In the bustling city of Dubai, Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran stands out as a beacon of excellence, offering a comprehensive range of gynaecological services with a personal touch. Explore why she is regarded as the “Best Gynaecologist in Dubai”.

A Trusted Name in Women’s Health:

Dr. Usha Kiran’s reputation as a trusted gynaecologist in Dubai is built on a foundation of expertise, compassion, and a commitment to providing top-notch healthcare for women. With a wealth of experience spanning the UK and Dubai, her practice reflects a dedication to ensuring the well-being of every woman under her care.

Specialized Services Catered to You:

As a UK Certified (CCT) Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr. Usha Kiran brings a unique set of skills and services to her practice. From Scarless Surgery to Advanced Minimally Invasive Laparoscopic Procedures, she offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of women in Dubai. Whether you require Uterovaginal Prolapse surgery, treatment for Urinary Incontinence, or Cosmetic Gynaecological Procedures, Dr. Usha Kiran is your trusted partner in women’s health.

International Expertise, Local Care:

With 15 years of experience in the UK and a subsequent tenure as Unit Head and Associate Professor in Mumbai, Dr. Usha Kiran brings a global perspective to her practice in Dubai. Her international expertise is seamlessly woven into the fabric of local care, ensuring that you receive the best of both worlds – cutting-edge medical knowledge and personalized attention.

Accessible Excellence Across Prominent Hospitals:

Dr. Usha Kiran’s commitment to accessibility is reflected in her association with Prime Hospital, Emirates Speciality Hospital, International Modern Hospital, and Clemenceau Medical Center Hospital in Dubai. This strategic presence across renowned healthcare institutions ensures that quality gynaecological care is within reach for women across the city.

Why Choose Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran?

Holistic Care: Dr. Usha Kiran believes in treating not just the symptoms but the whole person, addressing your unique concerns and health goals.

Innovative Techniques: Embracing the latest advancements in gynaecology, including Scarless Surgery and Advanced Minimally Invasive procedures, for a more comfortable and effective experience.

Patient-Centric Approach: Your comfort and well-being are at the forefront of Dr. Usha Kiran’s practice. Expect an empathetic, and supportive environment.


For those searching for the “Best Gynaecologist in Dubai,” Dr. Talakere Usha Kiran emerges as the epitome of excellence. With a commitment to personalized care, a wealth of international experience, and a comprehensive range of services, Dr. Usha Kiran is your trusted partner on the journey to optimal women’s health in the heart of Dubai. Schedule your appointment today and experience healthcare that truly puts you first.

Nightmares of Breastfeeding

Nightmares of Breastfeeding

‘breastfeeding is a natural instinct?’ Maybe in the animal kingdom, not for humans anymore.
Maybe our ancestral women had more time on their hands, had more children, and learned more from their mothers and relatives about breastfeeding.  But in this modern era where we women are always multitasking, breastfeeding is weighing heavy on our hearts and minds as neither does it come naturally nor is it easy to learn.
Some fortunate ones do it very easily and spontaneously. However, not everyone is that lucky.
After my own experience and seeing some of my patients go through this with a considerable amount of confusion and stress, I decided to write about the difficulties that women face rather than the benefits of breastfeeding (which I do not dispute).
For those who have  or are experiencing difficulties, I would like to reassure and say ‘Do not feel guilty, you are not alone.’

1. Soon after the delivery, I was expecting to feel an intense desire to feed the baby, but I did not, Am I normal?

We are often given the impression that as soon as you give birth, you will experience this overwhelming motherly love and wanting to feed the baby.  

Believe me, it is not so, and a majority of the women will agree with me on this. I looked at  my baby and all I could think of was ‘How am I going to feel anything for this blob covered in liquor and blood.’

That was 15 years ago, and today, words are not enough to express what I feel for my children.  So give it time. I am not saying 15 years! But at least 15 minutes or a couple of hours.
The feeling of bonding is the result of a hormonal milieu created by various hormones in the brain such as Oxytocin, Dopamine, etc.;  Research has shown that 30% of women do experience delayed bonding which might be due to exhaustion, pain, or any other factor.

It is proven that if enough Oxytocin is injected, you can bond with anyone not just your baby!
So do not despair, it will kick in, and you will feel the ‘tug,’ Just hang on.

2. I have very small breasts, do you think I will be able to breastfeed?

Do not worry, the size of the breasts does not make any difference. Size varies depending on the fat content in the breast and fat is not what is producing the milk for your baby.

3. There is very little milk coming; I don’t think this is enough for my baby as he/she is hungry all the time and keeps waking up every 10 minutes to feed.

This is a common problem faced by first-time parents. The anxiety that your baby is not getting enough milk is normal. But believe me, the baby doesn’t need a lot of milk in the first two days.
In addition to this, the size of a newborn stomach is tiny and can hold only a teaspoon full of milk at a time which means it can feed only a tiny quantity at a time.  However, by day 3 or 4, this capacity increases by four times and that is when you start noticing that your baby is sleeping a bit more between feeds.  By this time the baby’s suckling reflexes also get better with practice.

4. Is it wrong to bottle-feed my baby?

There is nothing wrong or right about this. If for some reason, you are unable to breastfeed, there is nothing wrong with bottle-feeding your baby. You can’t let the baby starve, Can you ?!
However, before you decide to bottle feed, you need to be aware of a few things.
a.  Bottle feeding doesn’t always equate to formula feeding. You can bottle-feed your baby with expressed breast milk (especially in premature babies who can’t suck and are in neonatal intensive care).  This will provide all the benefits of breastfeeding. However, the expression of breast milk either manual or by the pump is not as stimulating as a baby suckling at your breast. So the establishment of milk production and maintenance is not effortless. So unless you did not have a choice (as in preterm or ill baby), it might be easier to breastfeed than bottle feed after the initial teething difficulties are overcome.
b. Bottle feeding with formula feeds although might be less tiring and troublesome and makes you feel like a normal sane person, doesn’t have all the benefits of breastfeeding (such as ideal composition for baby’s needs, gentle on the stomach, antibodies, less chance of infection plus lower risk of breast cancer for yourself to name a few )

5. My baby keeps vomiting and passing stools as soon as I finish feeding.

This again is quite normal. As soon as the milk enters the stomach, there is a reflex that makes the baby pass stools. As long as the stools are not greenish and the baby is passing enough urine and feeding and playing well, you needn’t worry.  Vomiting or regurgitation is more common in babies who are bottle-fed as the baby ingests air while sucking through a bottle which is lesser while breastfeeding. It is important to keep the baby in an upright position for a while or until it burps to prevent this.

 6. I was told not to feed the baby lying down, but my stitches in the perineum hurt.

There is nothing wrong with feeding a baby lying down as long as your position is correct. The reason mothers are advised not to do so is because of the risk of suffocation if the mother goes off to sleep while doing so. So be careful that you do not fall asleep while doing so and hence definitely do not feed lying down at night.

7. Can I take medicines to produce more milk?

There is no need for it. The main stimulus comes from the baby suckling. So if you want to increase your breast milk, just feed the baby more frequently. Drink lots of water and fluids (such as juice and milk which have the nutrients).
Consult your doctor if you are not getting enough milk despite this.

8. I feel like a failure as my baby doesn’t want to feed from me as it feeds well from the bottle but cries when I try to breastfeed.

Babies do not have any such feelings towards you. They are just doing what is easy for them. Milk flows more easily from the bottle, but the baby needs to do a workout to get it out of his breast. So once they know this trick they just cry until they get the bottle.

9. Am I a bad mother if I do not want to breastfeed my baby?

Despite everything you have heard and read, some of you might just not want to breastfeed at all.
Honestly, that is ok.  No need to beat yourselves for it.   Like everything else you do in life, you do have a choice despite what everyone around you says. So do not feel guilty about it.

10. Will my baby bond with me if I do not breastfeed?

Fathers do not breastfeed!
Breastfeeding is not the only way to bond with your baby. There are many more ways of bonding with your baby. Your baby will bond and love you as much even if you do not breastfeed.

Bonding is not a one-time event anyway; it is a lifetime process. 
Good luck whether you decide to breastfeed or not.