Frequently Asked Questions
Laparoscopic Surgery
Removal of Hysterectomy (Removal of Uterus)
Urinary Incontinence
Are fibroids dangerous?
Fibroids are not dangerous. They’re very benign tumors so they only cause you distress in terms of symptoms. The chance of them turning into cancer is very rare < 0.5%, so they’re not really life threatening.
Do fibroids affect sex life?
Not always, however, if you have large fibroids & many of them or especially if they’re at the back of the uterus low down, yes you might have discomfort or even pain during intercourse. On the other hand, if you are having fibroids causing heavy periods making you feel exhausted, you might not feel like having sex. Because I believe sex is 80% mental and 20% physical.
Do fibroids cause infertility?
Not necessarily because many women with multiple fibroids can get pregnant and they deliver normally as well. However, if the fibroid is getting into the cavity or if there are multiple fibroids which are distorting the cavity then there might be a difficult in conception and also there might be possibility of miscarriage. However, if somebody is having infertility I would like to rule out all other causes first before trying to remove that fibroid just for the sake of fertility.
How will I know if my fibroids turned into cancer?
How will I know if I have fibroids?
Fibroids are asymptomatic, but if they are large multiple fibroids they can cause pressure on your bladder and can have difficulty in sex life or sometimes they can cause a very heavy periods.
Is surgery the only way to cure a fibroid?
Surgery completely removes the fibroids. However, there are alternative methods which can shrink the fibroids although it will not remove them completely.
Is endometriosis genetic?
Everything in our life is genetic as we have inherited the genes from our parents, our grandparents’ great-grandparents, and so on. However, that does not necessarily mean that whatever we have inherited will manifest. There are something called environmental factors and multiple variations that happen, which will let us manifest these problems. So yes, if you or sister mother or any of the siblings have endometriosis the chances that you will also have endometriosis is more but having said that, if nobody in the family has endometriosis, this does not necessarily mean that you are immune to endometriosis.
Is endometriosis serious?
Not really, it can actually cause a lot of deterioration of quality of life because of the pain and the constant distress it causes. But it’s not life-threatening, it does not turn into cancer, so it is not a serious condition but it’s more of a nuisance.
What are the symptoms of endometriosis?
The commonest symptom of endometriosis is severe pain during the period, before the period, and after the period. And this pain over a period of time can actually remain throughout the month becoming worse during the period. The second is having pain during intercourse which is also quite relevant to endometriosis and then you can have heavy periods, have feeling of bloating and other generalized symptoms.
What is endometriosis and how does endometriosis occur?
Now there are many theories but one of them is that every month you have a period the lining actually sheds during the period but a little bit of the lining leaks back into the pelvic cavity. Now majority of the time your body has the capability to clear this nicely so there’s nothing left there in the pelvis.

Dr Usha Kiran Talakere FRCOG
Consultant Gynaecologist
Advanced Laparoscopic (Level 3/4) & Hysteroscopic Surgeon
vNOTES (Scarless Surgeon)