Labiaplasty is the surgery intended to modify the size and shape of labia minora – the small folds of skin inside the vulva. This procedure is common among ladies who feel uncomfortable or have pain or have extra large labia that makes them feel conscious. Labiaplasty in Dubai, UAE brings an enhanced physical comfort and aesthetically improves the labia thus improving on the self-esteem as well as sexual satisfaction.
Understanding Labiaplasty
In the research study it has been found that the labia minora are not standard in size, shape or color among women. Sometimes labia minora hang outside the labia majora (the outer folds) and while the condition may not be painful, it may be uncomfortable during sporting activities or when sitting, or when one wears trousers, tight jeans or any material that rubs against the vulva or during sexual intercourse. Some women may also undergo the procedure to change the appearance of the labia, to have a neater and or even smaller lips.
The Labiaplasty Procedure in UAE
Labiaplasty in Dubai can be performed using several techniques, depending on the patient’s needs and the surgeon’s preference:
1. Trim Technique: This is the most common type, in which there is actually cutting of the skin on the outer edge of the labia minora to reduce their size and bring them to a standard size.
2. Wedge Technique: However, in this approach only a triangular piece of tissue at the thickest part of the labia is cut off, leaving the natural margin. As such this technique can help the surgeon preserve the colour and shapes of the labia.
3. De-Epithelialization: This is a process that involves taking out a small part of the epithelial tissue of the labia minora in order to decrease its size but at the same time has its natural appearance.
Benefits of Labiaplasty in UAE
Labiaplasty in Dubai offers several benefits:
• Physical Comfort: The surgery is useful in reducing pain that is as a result of elongated or uneven labia thus helping clients which uncomfortable during exercises, cycling or even during intercourse.
• Enhanced Appearance: Some of the reasons why women undergo labiaplasty include having a favorable appearance of the labia or having the labia reshaped to have the same size.
• Improved Confidence: Some reasons include; many women experience higher self-esteem and confidence especially during sexual activity after seeking labiaplasty surgery.
Recovery and Postoperative Care in UAE
Recovery from labiaplasty in Dubai generally involves:
• Pain Management: Some of the possible side effects of the surgery include moderate pain and slight inflammation within the affected area which can be controlled with drugs.
There are two possible complications of surgery which include moderate pain and slight inflammation in the region that has been operated on.
• Activity Restrictions: One should abstain from any rigorous physical activity, intercourse and tight undergarments for up to 4-6 weeks to ensure proper healing.
• Follow-Up: A dressing change is normally done after about 7 days; however, if the wound is not healing well or there is something wrong, then another appointment is made earlier.
Potential Risks and Complications
While labiaplasty is generally safe in Dubai, there are some risks:
• Infection: Like any other surgery there is a possibility of getting an infection but this can be prevented if proper precautions are taken.
• Scarring: Milking or pinching may be felt like razor cut white scars, which are normally rare and disappear with time while it can hinder the sensation of the labia.
• Sensation Changes: Some women may develop problems on sensations, albeit for some period.
Labiaplasty is performed is women who experiences discomfort or dissatisfaction with the physical appearance of the labia. This strategy in Dubai is helpful as it improves physical and mental prosperity; most patients will probably feel satisfied. Before having labiaplasty in UAE, it is prescribed that you seek the consultation of a board-ensured plastic specialist to assist you with grasping the assumptions and course of the medical procedure and deciding if you are fit for the medical procedure.

Dr Usha Kiran Talakere FRCOG
Consultant Gynaecologist
Advanced Laparoscopic (Level 3/4) & Hysteroscopic Surgeon
vNOTES (Scarless Surgeon)